Alright, just to let everyone know, I positively ABHOR reading logs!!! They are a complete waste of time and serve no other purpose other than to pester and annoy. Do these teachers really expect us to log a book WHILE we're reading?! Honestly, you'd think that they would encourage us to "get into the book" and read as much as possible, not be hindered by stopping every 20-25 pages to find a quote and write about how very important to the plot it is!! hmph. As you've probably already guessed, I'm being forced to complete reading logs. -.- For English we have to read and log a best seller and then write a timed essay about the theme or character develpoment or another silly thing that anyone with a brain can generally understand just from reading the book sleeve. Oh yeah, did I mention that I have to read
Eragon? The never-ever-ever-readitagain type of book that happens to be 550 pages and one of the only best sellers on my shelf. (The other option was
Angels & Demons by Dan Brown) I've read them both before which makes LOGGING them every 20 pages interminable. And this timed essay/due date for logs is this Friday. I haven't even started to re-read either. *sigh* Alright so, the entire point of this post was to a) keep me from throwing a rather large hard-covered book at someone's head, b) help me procrastinate even more, and c) get a post out there so that I'll have posted in the last 2 weeks. *another sigh* Curses be upon all reading logs!
i am doing a report on sikhism....aka a very bogus religion...apparently i am a sinner because i cut my hair..... o.o and i am commenting on your blog because i too am procrastinating this "interesting" tired i am!!!
i am doing a report on sikhism....aka a very bogus religion...apparently i am a sinner because i cut my hair..... o.o and i am commenting on your blog because i too am procrastinating this "interesting" tired i am!!! anddd...................IS THAT SNOW????!!!!! =] verry cool =] *its begenning to look lot like christmas..lalalalala*
hahah speaking of reading supposed to be reading a book for my "book report" we are supposed to post it different things life conflict and literary devieces and stuff...a very tedious fact i was so busy procrastinating, i forgot that the book needs to be done on Wednesday:0 I have more than half left....thankfully I picked a book I read before.....ya.....i would be desperatly reading the book, but i happened to leave it at school....UGH stupid me...whatever lol...ill finish somehow:)
haha Did you ever finish that book Oksana?
I did finish the book..almost....i had like two chapters left but I had already read the book so I knew how the book would ya:)...Never again..
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