Sunday, May 17, 2009

Musings of a Burnt Pagan

Merciful Heavens! Lately, I've been feeling rather heretical! You see, I haven't been to church in quite a long time... Two Wednesdays past, I was unable to attend CSM. Though I did make it to church last Sunday, this past Wednesday I was absent once again. Today, I was out of town. This upcoming Wednesday my sister has a choral performance that my family will be going to see. And lastly, next Sunday my aunt is taking my grandmum, mum, sister, and I out to tea in the morning... But you know what? You don't need to be on the church campus to experience God's Grace and Goodness.

Out here in the desert, sometimes He feels closer than ever. Waterskiing always leaves me awestruck at His Greatness. Flying through the air, clear, blue sky above, and deep, glassy water below, craggy mountains painted the same shades as a sunset, His amazing creation shines forth. Besides the earth itself, aren't we amazing creations? It blows me away how He has created us, human beings, with the intelligence to invent things like boats and skis... with balance and agility to sail above the water with nothing but a plank of fiberglass beneath our feet. And then... I jump, getting that much closer to Heaven.

If it weren't for the sake of "community" and fellowship, I might just begin to think that the Earth itself is all the church we need. Because truly, what is a church besides a place to worship our Lord? Isn't that something we can do anywhere, anytime?

At the moment, I am so sunburnt I can barely move my fingers to type this. I ache all over and my skin feels as dry as the cracked clay that covers the beaches. But God is still good. I forget that sometimes, you know? Getting so wrapped up in the frivolous that we forget the profoud. I wonder how much He misses us, when we his people don't take the time to talk to Him... Do me a favor? Pray.