Friday, July 4, 2008

Huston, We Have a Problem

note: This post is actually up to date! Finally! Yay!!!

note #2: This post was started yesterday when it WOULD have been up to date. As of now, it is one day late.

Today we went to the NASA Huston Space Center. We were expecting a very technical, space-age looking set of building with lots of scientific-looking people runung around doing scientific-looking things. However, that was definately not the case. When we first walked in, we were accosted by a gigantic children's play area taking up the entire center of the building. It reminded me of a space-themed Chuck-E-Cheese. We took the tram tour which was actually rather interesting and got to see where they train all of the astonauts. The starship gallery was also really cool. It had a full scale replica of the first space shuttle that you could watk through. After the Space Center, we went to the Kemah Boardwalk for dinner. We ate at a seafood place called Landry's. The food was fantastic but the service was atrocious! When we were done satisfying out hunger with delicious fish, Zach wanted to go on the 'Boardwalk Bullet', a rickety-looking, large, wooden, rollercoaster. So, (despite my better judgement) Zachary and Father got in line to bring back all of the seafood they had just consumed. Mum, Jess, and I waited for them near the base of the coaster. Everytime a set of cars went by, the entire structure shook menacingly. Surprisingly (Father has a weak stomache), they completed their escapade without returning their seafood to the sea or falling through the wooden planks of the Boardwalk Bullet. Tomorrow is the 4th of July! Yay! We don't know where we are going to be yet but, we brought a whole mess of fireworks so we can celebrate our nation's independence wherever we may be. NASA pics will be up soon!

p.s. 11 days until my birthday! :D Mum is freaking because that means I can get my permit in 193.5 days!


Anonymous said...

omg!!! ur not going to be here for ur b day :( oh well @least i dont have to buy u cant wait until u start driving!! lol its going to be so funny!!lol daniel is bugging me to tell u to tell zack that he says hi...hes been miserable @ i miss you!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

:) It's alright. And why will it be funny when I can drive? Although that does mean I could run you over... Muahahahahaahahahahaha! Be nice! Oh, by the way, Zach told me to tell you to tell Daniel that he said hi. hehe Miss you too!

Anonymous said...

i cant picture you driving thats will be interesting......i will make sure to not get in your you in a while!!!